Preservation And Storage Of Microorganisms

Preservation Of Microbial Cultures Culture handling and storage are very essential in Microbiology. Pure cultures, of microorganisms can be easily contaminated, undergo genetic changes or even die off if not properly handled. Scientists preserve one microorganism or-the other for various reasons. Research scientists trying to characterize microorganisms and identify them need to produce reliable subcultures … Read more

Cultural Methods Used In Microbiology

The development of microorganism on culture media is dependent upon a number of very important factors. 1. The proper nutrients must be available 2. Oxygen or gases must be available as required 3. A certain degree of moisture is necessary 4. The medium must be of the proper reaction 5. Proper temperature relations must prevail … Read more

Serological Tests Used In Microbiology

Serology is the study of serum (singular) or sera (plural). Serum, the fluid obtained when blood clots are removed contains antigens and antibodies. Serology may be used in detection, identification and classification of microorganism. The reactions in vitro between antigens and antibodies (antisera) form the basis of serological tests (techniques). A range of methods are … Read more

Techniques Used In Staining Microbial Cells

Unstained bacterial cells are nearly always transparent when observed under the light microscope and hence are difficult to see. In wet preparations, due to the closeness of the refractive indices of glass, water anq bacteria, the problem is compounded. To increase the contrast between the bacterium and its surroundings therefore, staining is employed. Most bacteria … Read more

Isolation Of Microorganisms Samples And Specimens

Sample is a small quantity of material taken from an object or body of matter for laboratory examination and analysis. Sampling involves selection of a minor quantity from a large bulk with the purpose of evaluating the lot. The method of collecting or obtaining and handling of samples are very crucial or critical in laboratory … Read more

Biochemical Tests In Diagnostic Microbiology

The tests described in this Section are of general usefulness in the characterization and identification of bacteria, Some organisms require the use of an isolation medium specially adapted to particular nutritional or osmotic requirements. In other cases, a selective medium maybe employed which not only allows the isolation of the organisms under investigation but also … Read more